Yoga for kids

Today  there was a nice article in the mumbai mirror about yoga for kids.Yoga goes back almost 5000 years ago.We all know it has many benefits-Yoga helps to relax,it is an awareness of our bodies,self control and discipline. It relaxes and strengthens our muscles and makes our body flexible. some yoga poses- yoga       yoga1            yoga3 Children can benefit from yoga,but it is important that they learn from a trained teacher.They should never be allowed to do yoga  without instructions or an adult with them,it could be dangerous.

Benefits of yoga for kids:-.

Instills confidence. .

Improves power of concentration. .

Develops brain and intellect. .

Good for strengthening of muscles, joints and increasing height.

. Promotes balance. flexibility, co-ordination and strength. .

Helps cope with anxiety. .

Helps develop creativity and imagination.

Remember never force your kids to do yoga.Make it a fun and movement game eg making an aeroplane noise in the aeroplane pose or dog sound in the dog pose. Some kids yoga poses:- kidsy  kidsy1   kidsy2  kidsy3 Your yoga teacher will tell you the names of the poses-asaanas.A clipping from the Times of India.You can zoom and see it.





Self esteem-Love yourself

Hi kids,

Self Esteem is a very important part of growing.Only if you are’ proud to be you’, will you be able to achieve what you want,and will try to create situations to achieve what you want to accomplish.Remember kids each one of you is very special.You all can do the same things only some would be better in one ,some in some others.Look below there is a recipe for you to build your self esteem:-

self est1


You can colour the bowls and a poem-I Am Special:-

poem i amKids remember you are the best-but that does not mean you know everything.Have an open mind .Be ready to learn and have confidence in yourself.Remember you can if you want to.Throw away the words I cant.Try,try you will succeed.

Self Esteem comes from being able to define the world in your own terms, and refusing to abide by the judgement of others.

Oprah Winfrey.


To put this in another way-Self Esteem comes from being able to define the world based on what is right for you,at your own terms.Refuse to be put down by the judgement of others.Remember- keep believing in yourself.

Your favourite dish -Vegetable Noodles

Food is a very important part in our lives.Mummies spend a lot of time and effort looking for recipes that are yummy for you kids,as well as healthy.Food many a time is a nightmare for mummies,as her angel wants only junk-chips and pepsi any thing that takes no time to eat.Today we are going to learn to cook the simplest thing-it can be called junk ,but we will add a lot of veggies and make it healthy.It can be cooked in a short while- yes , its noodles.

noodlesnoodles veg


Vegetable noodles(you can use atta noodles and all the vegetables add sauce and spice)



Now here’s the recipe.Remember have mum next to you while cooking and follow all the safety rules.No knifes,keep away from the gas.Wash your hands,little girls tie up your hair.Never rush ,work patiently and clean up after you finish.Put your wet waste in the correct bin.(We shall talk about garbage segregation later)

You need -Noodles, water in a vessel to boil

Vegetables sauce and salt.

A bowl and spoon and fork to eat.


1.Wash, cut and steam the vegetables.

2.Boil noodles( add a small spoon of oil while boiling-noodles will not be sticky then.)

3.Mix the noodles and vegetables in a bowl.

4.Add sauce to taste with a little salt.

5.Enjoy the noodles with your friend.


bowl1            bowl2




A Hindi prayer-a beautiful poem

What is a prayer? It is an expression of thanks to God.I call this poem a prayer as the words teach you how to make your daily routine such so that you live a happy and healthy life and also make it a part of your daily routine to be grateful and thank and respect God and your elders who help you to learn as you grow. In one of my earlier posts i had put a you tube “All things bright and beautiful”-why dont you listen to it.Our beautiful world- Some pictures  world2        animals eating      world2 flowers             water fall  kids world




How to make a paper boat

Things needed:- Piece of square paper

Paints,crayons,junk bits to decorate

Paper plate coloured blue for the lake.Stick the ready boat on the plate.

Method:- Fold the square paper into half.Then fold the rectangle into half to get a square.You will have4 flaps.Now make a triangle by first folding one flap,and then the other 3 on the opposite side.When you open the triangle you have cap which you fold to make a square.You will get a square with 2 triangle folds.Now pull open the triangles.Voila! your boat is ready.You can paint and decorate it.

Steps showing  how to make a boat:-paper fold boat steps


boat                   sail boatSail boat.cut out the hull and

sails decorate and stick.

Remember the 3 rs-Reduce,Reuse Recycle 3 rs.Try to use old paper.