How to Live the Best way during Difficult Times and still Be Always Grateful

Hi Parents,

The year 2020 is one that will be remembered by generations to come…The Covid 19 Pandemic…

We are learning and have learnt and still learning… to live with the  Covid 19 Pandemic.It’s been almost a year when we have all been at home and learnt multitasking.It’s been a tough time for you parents especially for you dear mums and of course you all dear children.We have all learnt to do things together and to live with each other the best way we can .We have had happy times,sad times, trying times,difficult times and easy times and frustrating times, wondering how to manage ourselves. We have learnt not to  take things for granted but to be always grateful for all that we have….a home to live in,friends and family and all our daily needs.The world will be a changed place when things become normal or I should say near normal .here are some pictures which say it all:-

Learning to do things at home.

                                                                       Messy home

Working together and multi-tasking

Pearls of Wisdom :

………Let’s think of small things in life which we always took for granted.

Let’s be Grateful for Each  New Day in our lives.

Let’s be grateful for everything in our lives.

Value our Loved Ones.

We have had a quality family time,were mum,dad, children,grandparents and relations have been home together.We have all  been busy in the rat race of life and had forgotten what family bonding means.We grew closer to our loved ones and realised what they like ,what they don’t .We have learnt how important it is to respect each other and to value each other’s work and time.

We have learnt how to share work and help each other .No work is difficult to do whether it is sweeping ,mopping ,washing or cooking.We have learnt time management and multi-tasking.

We have learnt to be grateful and thankful for all that we have got.We have learnt how to manage with simple and small amounts of everything we use… food, provisions, daily requirements.The joy of simple homemade food and the importance of eating meals together.

Caring and sharing .The joy of giving and realising how lucky we are to have a home and loved ones.Respecting each other and understanding how everyone’s work is important.Most importantly, we have learnt to value our house help and  realised how much work they did for us.

We have all in someway or the other helped the less fortunate…The Joy of Giving.

The Covid lockdown has made us observant. We have seen things in the house and outside which we took for granted and learnt to appreciate all things big and small.We suddenly realised how beautiful the world is .Every tree, flower and bird chirping  looked so beautiful .The sky with the setting sun and clouds made us gasp with excietment and made us want to capture that simple moment in a photo and maybe we  shared with others.

We have learnt the fun of connecting with our long lost friends and relations.Respect and care for senior citizens.

We rediscovered ourselves.Remembering our old hobbies and trying them out again.We realised the joy of being just by ourselves.. just sitting and staring into space which we may not have done for a iong time.. as we were too busy running around.

Most of all, we have learnt the meaning of life and how to live and be happy with whatever we have. Everything big or small needs to be nurtured and respected.We all have our own little stories that the lockdown has made us experience.

Ofcouse all the time has not been happy .There were and will be difficult days.Times when we feel how will we carry on .We have lost our tempers and had bad moods.We have learnt to control and discipline ourselves.

Be patient.. this too will pass.Be strong and stand by each other and we will come out into a better world and be better people.Let us not give up and keep doing our best in whatever way we can.


To be loving, caring and patient.

To Respect others and ourselves.

The importance of simple food and  simple exercise.

Being observant not missing even the smallest things that are around us.

Making Gratefulness our daily habit.

We should stick to these after the covid lockdown and become better human beings and the world a better place to live in.











How to Make a Book Mark


Hi kids

This is the age of the internet and so book reading is slowly vanishing.Read my earlier post on ‘Story Telling’ and you will know the importance of books.Reading gives you a feel that the internet cannot do .When you read you transport yourself into a fantasy world. .Make it a habit to read or look at a book at least once a day.

What is a Book Mark? Well its a piece of paper or anything else like an ice-cream stick or ribbon which you put  in between the page of a book that you are reading.When you want to start reading again the book mark will take you straight away to the page you had stopped on.

They can be used for you school text books and exercise books.

A well kept book shows your respect for your teacher.

Book marks are easy to make.remember the 3 R’s reduce,Reuse and Recycle.Any waste material can be used to make a book mark

The images  are from google.I have made each one of them with my little students.Here is something I would like to share ,I don’t know how to post the  bookmarks i have made so I use images from google.

One thing you must always remember never ever feel small in telling someone that you can’t do something or you have’nt heard of somehing.

.It’s not nice  to be  a -Know all Person- all the time..Learning never stops whatever your age  You can learn from anyone ,older or younger.

Be honest to yourself.


..To have an adult when you make them to avoid accidents.

..Care and share with your friends….you will enjoy more and get better ideas.

..Be responsible.Clear the space putting things back in their place and throw the left overs in the ..dry bin..(garbage segregation)

..If you gift a book to someone you can give a Book Mark as well -one that you have made yourself. A book mark will keep away.. dog ears ..that means you don’t fold the right corner of the page to mark where you have stopped.

Here are some book marks you can make using old material:-

.  Book mark made of old ,used chart paper or thin card board got from boxes eg choco box or toothpaste box.

….Material needed: Scissors,Old chart or card board,Glue,Ribbon.Punch and bits of coloured paper small beads .news paper any tit bits at home.                                                          

….Cut chart/card board into a rectangle 1 1/2 inch (width)and 6 inch length.

….Punch a whole on one side and pass a 4 inch ribbon. Thread a bead on each end and tie a knot.Tie a knot with the two ends as well.

….Put glue on the rectangle and stick the coloured paper randomly,and let it dry.

….Cover the book mark with plastic or you can ask mum to get it laminated.

….You can cut flowers ,different shapes or pictures from old books… stick them instead of pieces of paper …to decorate the book mark

…News paper covered Book marks.

……Here you follow the same method.The book mark can be cut in any shape, on one side.

…..Instead of sticking colourful paper and shapes the whole book mark is covered with news can use news paper with pictures of ads to make it more interesting….

…..Laminate or cover with plastic .This way the book mark does’nt tare.


You can decorate ice- cream sticks …just plain colouring with designs,stick flowers or make animal heads and paste on one side as show in the picture






Here are some more pictures .Children you  be as creative as you like. Use butterfly cut out the sun,moon or stars






Enjoy making your book marks. You can gift your hand made bookmark to just anyone.

Always remember the 3 R’s when you do art and craft….Reduce,Reuse, Recycle.Sometimes you can also redo what u have and make it new.

Lets not waste . Lets Save our Mother Earth.



Christmas and The Joy of being a Giver


Hello Kids

How have you all been ? It’s the end of the Year 2020 .Yes it’s December the month we all eagerly wait for.Its Christmas Season .

This year (2020) has been different because of the Pandemic ..”Covid 19″. We have all been at home for almost 9 months and things are not the same .Christmas too will be different.We will talk about the Pandemic and what we have learnt during this peroid in another post.

Today I am going to share a beautiful touching story about Christmas.

Its Christmas time and little Bill is very excited .It’s the time of the year when he always visits his grandmother ,who makes delicious cookies.She puts up the Christmas tree which he  is allowed to decorate as he listens to stories about Santa, who, she tells him comes down from the south pole in his sledge carrying gifts for all the children.He talks about the Christmas party telling his grandma what fun he has with his friends.


This year Bill is a little upset as the older boys in school have told him that there is no Santa.They laughed at him and said” Even dummies know that.”

Bill does’nt want to believe them and he is sure his grandma would know better.She always told the truth.He would ask  her and believing her would always be easier after he had eaten her cookies.

After decorating the tree and listening to Christmas stories,Bill sat down with his cookies and between bites told grandma what he had heard bout Santa.

‘No Santa?? That’s ridiculous’ grandma said.She told Bill “this story has been doing the rounds,don’t believe it.”

Grandma then asked Bill to leave the cookies for later and  to wear his coat.”Where to are we going”Bill asked.”To the toy shop down the corner”. she said.When they reached the toy shop grandma handed him 10 $ and asked him to buy  something for someone who needs it.Bill had never shopped by himself before and began to wonder what he would buy.More than that he began to think of someone who really needed something. After a while he remembered John ,his neighbor who did’nt have a coat to keep himself warm during winter ,so he always stayed indoors while other  kids

had fun  playing in the snow.Bill now knew who he will shop for.

He decided to pick up a red coat,which looked warm,for John.”Is this a present for Christmas”the counter lady asked as Bill gave her the 10$.’Yes ma’am”Bill said and told her how John needed a coat to keep himself warm.The counter lady took the 10$ and gave the coat to Bill.

That evening grandma wrapped the coat .(A little tag fell off the coat which grandma put aside.)She put ribbons on the parcel and on a paper she wrote’To John from Santa.”

Grandma then drove me to John’s house and on the way told me that Santa insists on secrecy.She then said that from now I was one of Santa’s offical helpers.When we reached John’s house grandma nudged me and said”‘Now Santa Claus get to work.”  She told me to quietly place the present outside John’s house ,ring the door bell and rush back. I did exactly that and

we waited breathlessly to see John’s door open.It finally did open and I can still visualize the excitment on John’s face when he saw the present.

That night I realised all the rumours about Santa were’ ridiculous ‘,just like grandma said.Santa was alive and we each one of us as we grow up become his team,spreading joy and happiness.That night I realised it was not only me who was Santa’s offical helper but the lady at the counter too was one of Santa’s team .The coat she gave me for 10$ was actually for 20$.I had learnt and experienced something I would never forget.

So kids always believe in the Magic of Christmas and Santa Claus.Spread love and enjoy the ‘Joy of becoming a Giver.’

The world is magical..look around and see.sometimes things just happen and that is what the magic is.

Care and Share and make your friends and everyone you know happy.

Learn the Joy of Giving every Festival and watch the Smiles you spread.