Christmas craft – palm painting

Christmas is round the corner , we are going to learn some exciting Christmas craft using our hands.

Things needed :-

  1. Paper ( you can use news paper or the blank side of computer printouts. Remember the 3 R’s- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
  2. Camlin or any other brand poster paints. ( They should be safe. )
  3. Water and paint brushes.
  4. An apron a napkin.
  5. Any other material to decorate.( Silver or glase paper…)
  6. Paste and scissors.
  7. Felt pens and crayons for out lines.

Kids you can ask mum or any adult to be near you to help while putting the paint on your palms.

I shall put up pictures from the net. Being a kindergarten teacher most of the things i have tried. So go ahead and try.

You can be as creative as you like get an idea from the pictures.

So here we go :-

Christmas tree using your palm-

paint on palm This is how you put paint on the palm.use different colours yellow ,red ,you can make designs.

xtree        xtree1

xtree2       xtree4

Santa :- Palm painting –

santa         santa1

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santa4           santa5


Here are the reindeer , snow men………..and…..

christ1     christ2

christ3 snow menchrist4   christ5

christ6   christ7


Kids these are some ideas .Like I said I have tried most of them The pictures are from the net.You can use colored streamers and ribbons  and old post cards. You can make a wreath with palm cut outs.

Here is an idea- You can have a craft competition for your Christmas  Party.

As mentioned earlier you can use the decoration left overs

Enjoy your Christmas holidays and bring in the New Year  with joy and happiness


Christmas—-Love and respect all religions


The month is December and its the end of  2015. There is general excitement and joy all around. I would attribute it to the annual festival of Christmas , the annual concert or funfair in all schools with the much awaited Christmas holidays and finally the big New Year celebrations.

Christmas as we know is the birth of Jesus Christ. Look at the picture below:


When we talk of Christmas what do we think of ?

Joy and happiness and peace to the world.

Yes we do think of  Christmas party and Santa with the gifts .The many Christmas decorations  shops are full of. Well lets see what some of the Christmas symbols stand for.—-

Evergreen Christmas Tree :-   The fir tree stays green through out the year and reminds us of everlasting hope and eternal life.It points up to heaven to remind us that God is there looking and taking care of us.

c tree

The Christmas Wreath:-    It symbolises  never ending love . Wreaths are ever green and in a circle.- no beginning no end. Love is always there to stay.

wreath       wreat1

Candles :-The Christmas candles remind us that Jesus (God) is the light of the world.We should follow this light and we will never get lost in the darkness.

candles     candles1

Christmas Bells :-    The bell rings to guide back anyone who tends to stray.Each one is precious in the eyes of God and He will help and guide us.

bells        bells1

Santa Claus :- Yes he is the most favourite figure of Christmas  .Dressed in red with black boots and a white beard carrying a bag full of toys and goodies. He is believed to come from the north pole in his sledge pulled by reindeer. His favourite one being Rudolph. Santa is kind and showers kids with gifts. He symbolizes generosity and kindness.

santa              santa1

Santa on a sledge:-


My pearls of wisdom :-


  1.   Celebrate love. Do acts of kindness.
  2. Care for the less fortunate.
  3. Be grateful and generous.
  4. Respect and love your family.
  5. Be responsible.Help your mummy to decorate the house and keep    things in place.
  6. Share your toys.
  7. Respect all religions.
  8. Most of all enjoy the festival with your family and friends.

xmas c

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kids Christmas craft can be great fun.Why don’t you go to the  Art and Craft  section and see some nice ideas.

Be Grateful

morning1         morning

Morning is God’s way of saying one more time :-

Go make a difference, touch a heart, encourage a mind, inspire a soul and enjoy the day.

When is the last time you saw the sun rise.? Every thing looks so beautiful and quiet. The world look different.

Somethings for you to make a part of your daily life:

The moment you put your leg down on the ground be thankful and full of gratitude for a new day.

Try and make a difference to some one –

Help an elderly person (or anyone you feel needs help ) cross the road, maybe carry their bag if it looks heavy.

elder          elder1


While travelling you can offer your seat in the bus or let someone take the auto ricksaw  which you have stopped.

Share your notes with someone who has missed a class -even if you are in a hurry.

Brighten someones day with a smile.

You can do just anything to make a difference and touch someones heart.

Most of all remember to enjoy every moment of your life. When one door closes another opens -you have to be ready to see it open.

Have a wonderful day.

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