Bread Uttapam

A quick and healthy snack.Kids you can help mum preparing -weighing the ingredients,mixing and setting-then watch mum cooking.

Remember the rules:-

.  Wash your hands.

.  Tie your hair.

.  Wear an apron.

.  Strictly follow instructions.

.  No wasting and cleaning up.


What you need:-

.  4 slices of brown bread.

.  A small bowl each of maida and suji.

.  A bowl of fresh curds.

.  Finely chopped vegetables.

.  A little oil to fry, salt, chille powder  chat masala, sliced tomatoes and chopped corriender leaves.




1. Grind the bread to a fine powder.

2. Take out the powder in a bowl.Add the maida and suji and spices.

3. Put the curds and mix (dough should be of cake consistency- add a little water if required.)

4. Put in all the vegetables and stir.

5. Heat the pan and spread small pancakes add a little oil.

6. Cook for 3 minutes on each side.

7. When ready garnish with corriender leaves and sliced tomatoes.

8. Serve hot with sauce or chutney.

breadufry  bu



Be proud of your children

A child is like a butterfly in the wind.

Some fly higher than others,

but remember each one flies the best it can.

Why compare one against the other?

Each one is DIFFERENT.

Each one is SPECIAL.

Each one is BEAUTIFUL.

Author unknow.

I read this small piece in the morning and thought i must share it with you all.Friends our children are the biggest gift God has given to us.He has made each child unique- each one looks different thinks different and grows up different.What is important to remember is that each child has something special.It is for us as parents teachers and guides to help find that little special thing in each child and be proud of him/her and help build up the child’s self esteem.

We need to remember that each child does the best he/she can .All they  need is a gentle nudging hand to help him grow.

kidssun             butterfly

Love your kids. Be proud of them. Open your heart and praise them for the things they make an effort to achieve.


World Environment Day 2015

On the 5th of June is ‘World Environment Day’ .This is one of the special days that is celebrated every year, like many other days.Like I mentioned earlier why should  we think of environment on the 5th of June only.To save our beautiful Planet Earth , environment should be thought of everyday. We should think of saving our world so much that it becomes part of our daily routine-no to plastic , save water , switch off the lights, no pollutiuon etc should come naturally in our day to day routine.



We all do our bit to Go Green.Here are some easy cool things to do:-

Schools have opened for the next academic year.What you can do-

1 Use the school bus-its fun to be with friends,you will discipline yourself and reach  in time, help to avoid traffic jams near school.

2 If you live near by avoid the car and walk-again you discipline yourself to reach in time, its a good exercise.Ofcourse you have to be careful- walk on the pavement and follow road rules- cross on the zebra crossing……

3 If your parents want you to go to school by car, you can form a car pool with other friends like you.-again you have company,you discipline yourself to reach in time, you learn to care and share.

sw bus walkzebra crossing

Remember the three Rs  Reduce,Reuse Recycle:-3rs

1 For making charts or any kind of craft work use any junk,charts papers ribbons etc.You can go to the art/craft section and get ideas.

2 Instead of buying a new water bottle ,you can decorate your old bottle and reuse it(ask mum to make a cover which is washable.) Fill the bottle only half so that you dont waste water.If you can use your old tiffin box,pencil box and bag, use it for another year.It wont do any harm.May be you can buy something else more useful and what you need.

3 You need a lot of paper for rough work or to scribble.Tare out unused paper from your old exercise books and bind them together.If you have used up computer paper the blank side can be used for rough work.


Say no to plastic  bags.

You can carry your tiffin ,Your sports gear and anything else you need in school in a cloth or jute bag which can be washed.

For Teachers Day you can gift your teacher a plant which you and your class mates can take care of  and use it to decorate your class.Instead of buying a card make one and write something that you really mean- it could be just a ‘Thank You’.Dont buy flowers make flowers of paper.

So kids keep trying and together we will make our Planet Earth look beautiful for ourselves and the future generation.