Save water


WATER :    Can you imagine a world without water.

What do we need water for :- Bathing , washing ,cooking, drinking…….Water is our life.

cleaning    washing water  brush                  water plant

shave            car wash   drink h2o

We have all learnt about the water cycle :-

h2o cycle

Like we take so many things for granted we never think about water. We use it and enjoy.Not even for a minute do we stop and think what would we do if one morning we get up and our taps are dry.

Today let us think of ways we can save water or rather use water carefully :drinku

Here is how you can make a checklist for saving water :-



Water is a precious gift from God .

Let us save every drop.

Be grateful first and pray for a good rainy season next year.



Earth Day

The Earth Day is round the corner……Yes it is celebrated on the 22nd of April every year.On that day every one will be talking about saving our planet  -Earth-. There will be workshops where we will all join hands and promise to take care of our planet.That is really nice  , but the only problem I see is that as the days and months go by we slowly forget and begin to take things for granted ….. the air around us , water the trees and every thing else. The good thing is that there are people who keep reminding us. A big thank you to them. I am just going to put up some pictures from the net. Children lets all try in our own little way to make our world beautiful. So cheers to that.

song g           3rs


pic 3 rs  tips