Things needed for cooking

Children before you start cooking there are many things you need other than the receipe and  the ingredients.Have a look at the pictures below:-

Aprons                                 Aprons to wear and avoid dirting your dress.

Make sure it is made of cotton material.


















Measuring Spoons


Baking trays                                      









wood spoons





spoons  1spoons
















Make sure you have mum or an adult with you.


1. Try not to waste food. Many children don’t know when they will have their next meal.

2. Be responsible.Clean up and put things back in place when you finish-help mum.

3. Be safe- follow kitchen rules -don’t touch the gas or match box.Leave the knife for mum,work slowly never rush.

Cheers then.Cooking is just great fun with friends,makes you super happy once you have finished cooking a dish and people appreciate it.













My Pearls Of Wisdom


Kids if you want to help your mummy and show her that you really love her ,look at the pearls of wisdom above and try to follow.Its not tough just be focused and organise yourself.You can make a time table for yourself.Remember if sometimes you don’t follow its Ok.


Do one thing at a time ,and you will accomplish your task daily.

Take More Risks

Every Sunday there is supplement in the Times of India called the ‘Speaking Tree’. I am sure many of you must have seen or read it.I for one really like to go through the supplement.Sometimes the articles are worth reading.Today there is one by Robin Sharma-I love to read what he writes.

This is by him.  -To live your life to the fullest,start taking more risks and doing the things that you fear.The real secret of life is to start spending your time pursuing opportunity.Life is all about choices. You can choose to spend your days sitting on the shore of life  in complete safety ,or ,you can take some chances,dive deep into the water and discover the pearls that lie waiting for the person of true courage.

Isn’t this completely true.It is simpler to walk on trodden path than to take the unknown path. Remember on the other side of fear lies freedom.You just have to stay focused  on your goal. This is what we have to teach our children. Never  ever say NO. If we don’t try how will we ever know what the result would be.Remember -failure is nothing more than learning how to win.The path may be risky,but,that’s where all the fruit is.

So my dear children ‘try, try and try’ -never give up.If you don’t try the unknown you will never know whats on the other side….Your PEARLS OF WISDOM -to live life to the fullest.

Dear parents you have to guide your children . Always be there for them if they faulter on the way.

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Just look at this beautiful video – remember try try you will succeed :


Awakening People

Believe in yourself and all that you are.Know that there is something inside that is greater than any obstacle  .                        Christian D Larson

Believe in yourself and have faith in yourself.There is nothing wrong in thinking you are the best.Only if you have a high self esteem will you be able to do things for yourself and others. Do things with faith   that you are capable, be ready yo accept the outcome.Be happy to accept others.Remember each one is good at something.Be proud to be YOU. Never ever say I can’t I am no good  









        se3             se5              

Experience Gravity Free Water

What is gravity?

Gravity is a force pulling together all matter. Anything thrown up will fall down because of the gravitational pull. I have posted an experiment on gravity earlier in this section,may be you like to read it and do the experiment again.

Now for some super magic.- Before we start make sure you have an adult with you and do the experiment over a bucket or basin to avoid spilling water.

Things needed:-                                                                   glass cardb

1. A glass filled right to the top with water.

2. A square  piece of hard card board.


1. Hold the glass in one hand and put the card board over the mouth of the glass.Make sure no air bubbles enter the glass(.Water should fill the glass to avoid bubbles.)

2. Hold the card board tight on the glass with the other hand and quickly turn the glass upside down.

3. Slowly remove your hand and observe.

What will happen:-

The water will defy gravity and stay in the glass.This happens as there is no air in the glass,and the air pressure from the outside of the glass is greater than the pressure of the water inside the glass.This keeps the card board in place and water from falling.

Wow, was’nt that fun? Show your friends this magic next time you meet.

Children in your own little way save this magical world.


glass2glass3air last pic