Earth Day

Hello everyone,

Some time back (April 22nd) it was Earth Day and  I am sure some of

you wondered..what’s so special about Earth day?!




I too used to wonder what’s so special about Earth Day or Mother’s day

or Father’s day???

Well its just a day that we dedicate to a special thing and learn just

how important they are to us.

This is because we get so busy in our day to day life and happenings

that we begin to take everything for granted!!

Can you imagine what it would be like if we did not have our parents or

the beautiful flowers,trees and animals the day or night?

Like I told you earlier every morning when we get up we should have a

smile on our faces have gratitude and simply think and say the magic

words ‘THANK YOU…. God and mum and dad for every thing. I promise

to take care of the world and love and respect it’.

scenary near a lake

The more you think and feel..the more you will get.

On Earth Day Leonardo DiCaprio …a very famous hollywood actor wrote

to the young kids….”


Lets Not Sink

“Right now Mother Earth is hurting. She needs a generation of

thoughtful,caring and active kids like all of you to protect her for the

future.Help us win the battle to clean up our air water land,to protect

forests, oceans and wildlife.’

Now isn’t that what all of us should try and do in our own little way.

hu8g the earth

So lets promise to use the 3 R’s  Reduce Reuse and Recycle.


We talked about this in our earlier post.



Do you know what Gravity is?

The force with which the earth pulls down every thing is called gravity.

Sir Newton was the great scientist who discovered gravity when he was sitting

under an apple tree and an apple fell on him….this made him think.

He later wrote the three laws of motion which you will learn when you

grow up!







Sir Newton sitting under

an apple tree….



The apple fell down…towards the ground!


Do this simple experiment:

Things needed:A clear jar with a lid,water,small pebbles,pieces of

small objects like pencils, paper, feathers,marbles,etc.

Method:1. Put the pebbles in the jar and close it.

2. Turn the jar up side down.

3. Observe.

4. Do this with all the things you have and observe.

Result:Each time we turned the jar upside down,whatever was inside

went to what become the bottom.

jar expr

This is because the force called gravity pulled the contents to the bottom.


Another example of gravity –  When you throw a ball up in the air,

however high it goes, it will always come back to the ground. This again

is due to the force that is called gravity.

The earth is almost round but nobody falls into space because of this force!

kids on earth GRAVITY!!!


SEE THE WORLD IS FULL OF MAGIC  We must take care of it.