Evaporation and Condensation

We have already learnt a lot about water and how we should use it

carefully.Today ,we will do a very basic/simple experiment.

You must have heard the two big words -evaporation and condensation.

Water is magical -when in liquid form ,it can flow and take the shape of the

container it is in- a  glass, a bowl  or a bottle.Go ahead and try.

Make sure you do this in a basin so that water does’t spill -or else mum

may get angry.

bottle glass full of water   bowl of water


When you put it in the freezer it turns solid ….ice,and takes the shape

of the container it is put into-try it yourself.



ice cubes

ice cubes

ice trays with ice

ice tray1    icetray2



Now ,when water is boiled- it turns into steam,which is water in vapour


With its strong rays,the sun is continously changing water into vapour and

taking it up in the sky-this is called evaporation.

When this vapour mixes with the cold air in the sky it forms water

droplets.This is called condensation.

Condensation-when hot touches cold like you can see in the picture


kettle steam/gas

EXPERIMENT:                    Evaporation and Condensation

Things needed:      1- A vessel of water

2-Stove to boil the water

3-Clear glass bowl which fits on the vessel of water

Method:     Remember you need an adult with you and keep safe distance-

1-Light the stove and boil the water -let the steam come out

2- Put off the stove.Carefully remove the vessel with the

boiling water and put it on a table.

3  Now gently place the clear,dry glass bowl on the vessel.

4  Observe.

Result:      On boiling,the water turns to steam/ water vapour  and

rises up.When it touches the glass bowl which is not hot the vapour

changes into water droplets which you can see.Slowly you will see the

bowl full of water droplets and they sliding down.

Children, this is how we get rain .Water vapour rises up into the sky-mixes

with the cold air to form water droplets, which form the clouds.Rain

comes from the clouds.Wasn’t that exciting?

Look at the pictures:

drawing for expt

bowl one on topThis is how your bowl will be and you will

see the water droplets on the top bowl, slowly sliding down.

Have fun kids!Like i told you ,call your friends-learning is great while


Next time we will make our own clouds .Bye till then.

Isn’t it a magical world?Should we not take care of our world?

Water conservation- using water wisely

Before we  start  talking about water conservation,i just want to

tell you kids (and moms )that when we talk of values , it doesn’t mean that we

have to be goodie, goodie all the time,and have no fun.We have to learn

to live life the best .We can not be missing any chance to explore and learn.

Remember nothing is wrong if once in a while we are just sitting and doing

nothing.But what we  have to remember is to respect and love and care

for all things around us in this wonderful world.We have to make our

value system/sanskars so strong and believe in them so that that they

come to us naturally,as a part of growing up.So kids have fun,

and together lets cheer for a better society , better India and a better world


We have heard our parents,and teachers telling us not to waste water.

Every one is trying to do that at there own level.I’ll just show you a

cutting from the Times of India


save water toi

Print hasn’t come clear.All it says is ……while brushing your teeth do not

leave the tap running.

Take a bath using a bucket and mug in place of a shower.You can have

a shower a short one …what is important is to save water.

Wastage of water in one home makes the other homes go dry.Some

thing to ponder about- don’t you think?

Water is life, use it wisely.

I have made a chart below, of some things to do to save water.Tell you what-

make a chart for yourself  and hang it in your room.Then every day

tick if you were able to save water.Before you know it  will become a daily

routine to use water wisely.Go ahead and try- it will be fun Take your friends

along and put up a chart in school.Your teacher will be happy, i am sure.


chart save water

Pictures talk louder than words-see for yourself:

drinku   collect rain eater

Drinku                          Collect rain water and use it for plants,to clean

your car

And now my favourite poem -kids have loved it:


drip drop


Water is a precious gift from God save every drop

Raining, its raining,it’s raining all the day,

Raining,it’s raining we can’t go out to play!

But flowers will grow and trees will too,

There will be plenty to drink for me and you!

Raining, it’s raining,but we wont be sad.

For without the rain things would be bad.

The rainy season is almost over.This year in mumbai we have had a lot

of rain.Why do we need water?

We need water to grow plants keep clean ,to wash ,to drink ,to provide

power and to control fire.Most of all we need water to live.

Water has three forms:

forms of waterThat’s magical isn,t it?

You know children – water is constantly being cleaned and recycled through

the earth’s water cycle. I am sure you all have learnt  about the

water cycle.The sun takes up  water drops as water vapour ,( We

cant see them)which then mix with the air,high up in the sky ,water vapour

cools and turns into water droplets and they form clouds.Rain falls from

these clouds.



Dear  children, we have plenty of water but  we

are not using it wisely.We must save every drop .

When we talk about the rainy season one thing we always want to see

is the rainbow. A rainbow is formed by the reflection of the sunlight in

water droplets and it is seen in the earth’s atmosphere.

Want to have fun?  Go to the science experiment section and make

your own rainbow.Like i have told you before we are surrounded with

magical things and happenings.Love and respect everything around you.

Go ahead make your rainbow…..