A little note for you parents

Hi this blog is for your kids….but they need you to teach them small things in

life, the dos and don’ts, the good from bad and how to live life king size.

Being a parent and a teacher is not an easy job. I have been both. Remember

there is a learning in everything you do, never miss an opportunity to teach

your kids, enjoy them while you have them.They will grow up before you know.

I love kids and and want them to grow up into good human beings with simple

values which we will call MY PEARLS OF WISDOM .

Enjoy the blog ang share your  fun filled experiences with others. Remember

life becomes a lot easier to know you are not alone.

Umbrella craft

Rain on the green grass,

And rain on the trees.

Rain on the umbrella,

But not upon me.

not on me    umb paper plate

Colourful  Umbrellas


outline umbOut line of an umbrella.Colour it brightly.


umb outline1Icecream stick umbrella Do collage work.


umb paper plate1paper plate umbrella.

More ideas.you can use cup cake paper base .Just look at the pictures and

enjoy.Remember – clean up when you finish:-Your pearl of wisdom.


umb1Block painting        umb2raindrop umbrella.


umb3cup cake base      umb4Paper folding

Monsoon Craft-Rainbow

The much awaited monsoon has finally arrived.

What do you think of when we talk of the monsoon(rainy season)?

Dark clouds ,rain drops.the rainbow,puddles and boats,rain creatures -the

frog ,snail and earthworm.Shades of green

on trees and the mushroom.Dont forget the colourful umbrella, raincoat

and gumboots.


cloud    umb paper plate  cloud


Lets have fun with paper old and new, paints and crayons.Old or waste card

board boxes for cut outs.Scissors to cut and glue along with bits of any

material to decorate and thread or twine to hang your things.

Remember to REUSE the 3 R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.-Your pearl of



Clouds and the rainbow:-


The rainbow has seven colours.To remember them learn the word VIBGYOR-

voilet, indigo, blue and green ,yellow,orange ,red. Look at the picture above

The clouds can be made of cotton wool or draw and colour them blue.

You can pin the picture on you board or make a stick rainbow puppet.Instead of paint

for the rainbow you can use coloured rava or do collage work-paint news paper

in the colour needed tare into pieces and paste.Some more ideas:-


bow collage Collage                bow finger Finger paiting


bow strings   Rainbow string mobile    bow strings1


rainbow crayon paper plate\ crayons     rainbow palm palm painting.

Kids you can be as creative as you like.

Look up the science experiment section to see how to make a

rainbow and, clouds in a bottle.You will also see some beautiful pictures of



Monsoon Craft-Rain creatures

Frogs and snails are 2 creatures that you see especially during the rainy

season.Sometimes as you walk along the road or in your bathroom you see a

snake like creature-the earthworm- friend of the farmer as it loosens the soil.

The Frog–It can live on land and swim as well.It croaks, the sound you often

hear at night during the rainy season.The birth cycle of the frog:-

Mama frog lays eggs  in the water,the eggs hatch into babies called tadpoles,

tadpoles grow up to be come frogs.The world is full of magic and wonders.-So

Take care of it.  Your pearl of wisdom.

Birth cycle of frog-

frog cycle


Here some ideas to make a frog.You need paint ,crayons, paper plate ,glue

scissors paper,chart paper and junk tit bits.


frog cut outFrog cut out,you can make your own and paint.


frog palmsPaper plate and palms-Frog palms- stick on paper.



frog paper foldFrog with paper fold legs.Use old cards for the body.



frog lily podFrog on a lily leaf.Stick a piece of thermocol below the

frog and then stick on the lily leaf.(3 d effect)



frog ice cream stickfrog ice cream stick.

You can have any cut out you like.Frogs with caps,frogs with clothes.

Mum you need to help your kids,just supervise .Let them be creative.

Some more ideas-

frog Cut out painted.     frog2Cut out painted

frog kingFrog king     frog paper plateFrog paper plate


The snail is an amazing creature.It carries its house on its back and that is

shell that we see.If you touch it ,then the snail hides in the shell.Its body

is sticky  so it can climb up a wall just like spider man.Is’nt that cool..?

Now lets see some snail craft:

You need the usual things -remember to reuse-old boxes, cards, paper any

junk to decorate.


snail paper plate 2This is with a paper plate.Paint or do collage work.


snail collage      snail roll  snail roll.

Many more ideas just look at the images.Remember you can be as creative

as you like:-

snail3Finger painting       snail7Stick puppet


snailCollage paper tearing  snail6


snail4Paper plate paint and cutsnail2

Manners Matter

Hi kids,

School must have started for some of you,some must be eargerly

waiting.I am sure you all must be excited about your class.Where it is located

in school.Who your teachers are and ofcourse  are your friends in your section.

As the new year starts just afew things to remember:-

First of all have great fun .Enjoy and learn all the new subjects and try to

take part in all school activities.Remember you may not be the best -but-the important

thing is to take part.

Manners matter:-Respect yourself ,your friends and your teachers.Some things

to remember-and make a part of your life-

1 Wait for your turn.

2 Be a good listener.

3 Care and share.(Your notes if your friend needs them)

4 Put things away.(Be  neat and tidy)

5 Help others .

6 The 3 magic words -Sorry ,Thank You,Please.(they will open any door with


7 Raise your hand.

Have fun and make these simple things a part of your life.

school  My school             back to school

Off to school

kids uniform           school busSchool bus -Be in time -Dont delay

your friends.

kids listening Be a good listener      kids listen

Have fun

kids2        children     Play together

school kids    Always wear clean ironed school uniforms and polished shoes

All the best for the new academic year.