Manners Matter

Hi kids,

School must have started for some of you,some must be eargerly

waiting.I am sure you all must be excited about your class.Where it is located

in school.Who your teachers are and ofcourse  are your friends in your section.

As the new year starts just afew things to remember:-

First of all have great fun .Enjoy and learn all the new subjects and try to

take part in all school activities.Remember you may not be the best -but-the important

thing is to take part.

Manners matter:-Respect yourself ,your friends and your teachers.Some things

to remember-and make a part of your life-

1 Wait for your turn.

2 Be a good listener.

3 Care and share.(Your notes if your friend needs them)

4 Put things away.(Be  neat and tidy)

5 Help others .

6 The 3 magic words -Sorry ,Thank You,Please.(they will open any door with


7 Raise your hand.

Have fun and make these simple things a part of your life.

school  My school             back to school

Off to school

kids uniform           school busSchool bus -Be in time -Dont delay

your friends.

kids listening Be a good listener      kids listen

Have fun

kids2        children     Play together

school kids    Always wear clean ironed school uniforms and polished shoes

All the best for the new academic year.



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