You can make a lot of things using all kinds of material -ice cream sticks ,

straws,paper plates… can paint do collage work stick any material in orange white and green.I will put up a few pictures  i am sure you must have made many more exiciti

things in school.But first a little information-

Our India flag is called the tiranga:-

Orange stands for courage ad truth.

White stands for peace and truth.

Green stands for faith and chivalry.


OUr Indian Flag

i flag

Our National Symbols

lotus The lotus imparts a sence of  serenity

and beauty.

peacock1 The peacock is the symbol of royalty

and diginity.

tiger The tiger is known for his royal grace,

strength and agility and enormous majesty and power.



The mango- king of all fruits.

chakra The chakra the wheel of law.

Now have a look at some art work.I am sure you can be more creative-

icecream stick diya Ice cream stick diya

india flower Flower with paper folding.

india mask Tricoloured mask you can make

a cap or head band or wrist band.

peacock paper plate peacock.

PALMS palm painting.

Now kids why dont you share some of the craft you may have done.


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