Art and Craft describes a variety of activities involving making things with hands.The art and craft peroid in class is most enjoyed by kids.For some it is a class to show their creative skills .For some it is a free peroid just to mess around and have fun.The out come or products made are often hang up around the class to make the class colourful and bright.
Today i am going to show you somethings which you can make with old CDs and their boxes.
Things needed:-Old CDs. CD boxes.
. Scissors ,glue.paints and crayons.
. Scrap material, kite and crepe paper to decorate.
. String, Ribbon, Bits of card board.
Things you can make:-
. Picture frames
. Aquariam
. Napkin holder
. Painting frame……….. These are just a few ideas.Look at the pictures and try.You can take the idea and be inovative .Remember to reuse old material.Have fun.Like i say always ,double your fun – invite your friends to spend a day and together make things related to class topics or things to decorate your room.You can make a gift for your teacher,friends,parents.
Animal faces………………….
Rangoli.You can draw a scene and make a picture to hang.
Stars for xmas tree paint them .
Aquarium with the CDbox.You can take a single box open , paint blue for the water .Cut and decorate fish and stick in the blue water,Close the box and hang it.
Fish with CD.Aquarium with CD covers.
Ideas for photo frames.You can join CDs and make a family frame.
Remember the 3 Rs Reduce-Reuse and Recycle.Save Mother Earth in your own little way.