A pearl is a beautiful bead made by an oyster .. many pearls strung together make a necklace.
Children learn what is right and what is wrong – as they grow up .
Just like the pearls make a beautiful necklace when strung together , we will learn one small value everyday and call it our
” PEARL OF WISDOM ” a daily dose of values.
Children learn values through daily interactions with adults and also with the environment in which they live in . They pick up values through exposure and their experience.
Here is our Panchtantra ( 5 points ) of values :
Relationships…..Respect all forms of life
Health….Eat to live and not live to eat.
Ethics…..A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Self discipline…..Live each day right to make your future bright.
Environment….Observe the beauty of our magical planet (Mother Earth)
Let us all make a pledge to join together and help our children to become good and compassionate adults , as they grow up and .. make this world a better place for everyone.