Hi mums and dads,
I hope you are enjoying reading my blog “Impressionable Minds”.
I would love it if you write your comments on the blog,or better still share
your experiences as a parent.All the little comments your tiny tots make.
Sometimes you begin to really think about what they say.Kids are innocent
and speak what comes in their minds.We should never under estimate our kids
We must respect their feelings and never scold or insult them in front of others.
Always remember each kid in an individual withhis own traits and so we should try not to compare.
Each one has something special and deserves praise for it.
Be a happy family and share your joys and sorrows.Always be there for each
other.Life becomes very easy to live When we care and share.
Take care of your kids help them to become good human beings,and mould
them to create a better world for themselves and for our future generations.