December is the last month of the year.Do you know how many months
in a year?Thats right 12 months.The year is full of exiciting days and events.
Its for us to make them happy ones ,doing things to remember not only
by ourselves but also by others.We need to care and share with the less
fortunate, have gratitude and learn to be happy and thankful(satisfied)
for all we have.Christmas is a festival of joy and happiness.Read below:-
Pearls of Wisdom:-
I am sure you had great fun during Christmas ,buying gifts,visiting santa
and attending parties.You must have had your annual or Christmas concert
just before your Christmas vacation.Now you must back in school getting
ready for your final exams.
A little bit of fun even though Christmas is over.Go to the art section and
learn to make an angel.
Merry Christmas(Sorry I’m a month late)