Today i read something every thought provoking in the paper ,so i thought i
should share it with you:-
. Learn from one and all.-Learning has no limits.We are born to learn from
everyone in our lives-parents ,adults ,children,our maids and helpers even
our pets.
. Everybody knows something.-Nobody knows everything but everybody
knows something.We should cultivate a habit to learn from everybody and
add value to our lives.To this i would add…Our dog nikki when given any
thing to eat will always sit down and enjoy her food,unlike many of us
who do ultitasking while eating.I have learnt to sit and enjoy my meals.
. Just like i wrote above ….. Keep your learning options open.-There are
opportunities galore,only if one keeps learning options open and is ready
to learn or at least try.
These are your PEARLS OF WISDOM. never feel proud or feel small learning
something good from any one.