Importance of Self Esteem-2

                                   High and Low Self Esteem

To be Happy and Successful in Life, it is very important for everyone to think and feel good about one-self.One should have the confidence that they are capable of doing things to the best of their ability.This means every one should have Self Esteem.

A Child with High Self Esteem feels :-





…Confident and willing to try new things.


A Child with Low Self Esteem feels :-


…Afraid to try new things

…Helpless to do a task alone

…Fearful of situations

…Sad and dejected



Some of the things we can do to help build Self Esteem in our children.

LOVE :- Show love unconditionally to your child.We don’t have to say I love you, only when he/she does well.Say it anytime to make them feel secure.

STRESS:- Encourage your child to take up new challenges.Make him/her feel comfortable and let them know that you are there to guide them , if they get stuck.

If there are tough decisions to be made ,sit and talk with your child about various options,and,you can decide what to do, together.

Do not expect perfection.Praise them,compliment them- even if you feel that the task which they have accomplished is not good enough.This will encourage the child,and never make him/her feel that they have  disappointed you.

All critical comments should be constructive.Every child is good at something ,make sure to comment on this unique talent.It could be even just -listening.

RESPONSIBILITY:- Give your child every chance where he/she can learn to be responsible.  Praise what he/she does,make him/her feel capable and boost his/her Self Esteem.You can,however, suggest to him/her ways for further improvement.

COMMUNICATION:- Self Esteem can be built by having good relationships with family and friends and keeping a regular dialogue , tell them so,and later when you are free -remember to ask what they wanted to show you.

Learn to listen to your child.This makes him/her feel important.Show him/her  that you are interested in all he does by asking simple questions like…”how was your day at home or in school..What they ate or whether they went outside to play.”

RESPECT:- Self Esteem can be built by respecting your child’s….Choices,Opinions and the things he has ,it could be a stone or leaf he picks up.Remember-just like you feel your things are important ,so are the things they have.

GOALS:-You can help your child to make up his/her mind about their goals-daily,weekly or monthly.You can help them to achieve their goals by following up  on a regular basis.This would be a good Self Esteem booster.

Where as,it is  important to boost your child’s Self Esteem ,it is also equally important to guide and correct him/her- at the right time .It is also necessary to discipline him/her gently- yet firmly.Never ever do this in front of others-this would embarrass your child.



Self Esteem Shapes Life !!!




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