We have talked about the rainy season, water and its importance,and
about water conservation.Kids,let’s do another easy experiment…..and
make our own clouds!We all have seen clouds up in the sky.They are formed
when the water vapour mixes with the cool air and the tiny dust particles.
During the rainy season the clouds are dark and scary.Otherwise we see
them like lots of cotton patches.Have you ever just spent time just looking
up at clouds in the sky?You can imagine all kinds of animals and things.
You must have looked out from the aeroplane window when the plane is above the
clouds.Didn’t you feel like just jumping and catching the lovely soft cotton.
Next time your friend comes home look up at the clouds and see what
you can imagine up there in the sky.
beautiful clouds.
clouds seen from the aeroplane window.
In the above pictures, have fun imagining different figures, you and your
friend can see in the clouds…..you’ll be surprised!
You will need:
1. a clear glass bottle
2. hot water
3. a plastic cover and rubberband to hold it as a lid
4. match box and ice cubes
1. Put hot water in the bottle(fill only 1/4 of the bottle).Make sure
mum is with you.
2. Burn a match stick and drop it gently into the bottle of hot water.
3. Cover the bottle with plastic and put the rubberband around the
opening to close the bottle.
4. Put the ice cubes on top of the plastic and observe.
As the steam rises from the hot water and reaches the top of the
bottle, clouds can be seen when the steam touches the cold plastic
surface.The real clouds are also formed in a similar way- when water
vapours from the sea rise upwards and reach the cooler layers of the sky.
It is a magical world- take care of it.