Cooking can be great fun.It is very relaxing and great to have friends over.Some things to keep in mind :-
1. Always do cooking under the guidance of an adult.
2. Wash your hands before starting.
3. Girls make sure you tie up your hair.
4. Never be in a hurry.Work step by step as directed.
5. Kitchen discipline should be followed strictly- Dont touch the gas..knife and scissors without adult supervision.
6. Try not to waste and remember to clear up.
It would be a good idea to keep or rather make your personal recipe book.Lets start!!!
Coconut ladoos…………
Ingredients( things you need):-Gas stove,a non stick pan,laddle to stir.Paper cake cups and a plate to serve.
1. 1 tin of condensed milk.
2. 31/2 cups of desiccated coconut powder.
3. Small bowl of chopped dry fruits. Chopped dry fruits
Method:- You will need mummy’s help.
1.Put aside a small bowl of coconut.
2.Add the remaining coconut in a pan on slow heat.Slowly add the condensed milk,stirring all the while.
3.Stop pouring the condensed milk when a dough forms.Stir on the flame till the mixture leaves the side of the pan.Add the dry fruits ,and let to cool.
4.Butter your hands and roll into small balls(ladoos).
5.Now roll the ladoo in the dry coconut and garnish.
6.Put in a plate and serve. YUMMY -YUMMY Enjoy with your family and friends.