Children’s Day 2014..

Childres’s Day is observed all over the world on different days.It is a special day to honor children.Can you imagine a world without children. Nothing would be like it is today.

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Sticky fingers,tangled hair.

Scattered crayons everywhere.

Fancy art work on the wall,drawn by midgets 3 feet tall.

Tell me why and tell me now,

That was mine and I want it NOW!

Fix my bike.Buy me gum.

If you have it ,I want some.

Dirty faces ,grass stained knees,

Learning words like pretty please.

Endless hugs and goofy wet kisses,

Learning respect with Mr and Mrs.

Scrapped up hands, from falling down.

Tender tugs– on my night gown.

Need more paper for santa’s letter?

I was’nt so bad,but I’ve been better.

Watching a movie, again and again.

Mummy ,please put the tape back in.

Messy fingers,hair gone wild,

All in the life of a precious child…………        Debra S,Higginbotham.

What do you think- a perfect decription of a child ,is’nt it?

a  b








Children’s Day in India is know as “Bal Divas”.It is celebrated each year on the 14th of November which is also Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru’s(our first Prime Minister) birthday.

Nehruji was fond of children and roses.He often compared the two saying that children are like buds in the garden. Nehruji said that’children are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow so they should be carefully and lovingly nutured’



. He felt that the children are the strength of a country and the foundation of society.We lovingly call him Chacha Nehru.This year it is his 125th birthday.

Happy birthday Chacha Nehru and a Very Happy Children’s Day to all you darlings out there.You make us happy and bring a smile to our faces,making life full of exitement and fun.A Big Thank You.

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Children’s Day is celebrated as a day of fun and frolic in honor of children.Schools celebrate this day by organizing cultural programmes.Sometimes teachers of the school preform dances ,sing and act for their students,which leaves them delighted. Art competitions are organized.Children are taken out for a picnic or movie.The exiting part in all this is, going with your school gang.

There is something  which  I have always wondered-What would the children really like to do?Have we ever made an effort to ask them how they would like to celebrate-after all it is there special day. Something to give a thought to!!!

Now as their parent,guide, teacher or friend somethings we can pledge:-

. Love and respect them.

. Be there for them with a guiding hand to support them when they faulter.

. Help them to grow up into good human beings.Teach them to care and share and love and respect all things around them.

. To be grateful and thankful for all they have. Be satisfied and happy for others.

. To live life king size- forgive,forget and move on.

. Save Mother Earth -Go green to give them a better tomorrow.

Well I don’t want you to think I am preaching.We don’t have to make extra effort ,-do whatever we can in our daily life.Begin with Gratitude each morning,children will just follow.

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