Receipe —-Apple Crumple



Apple crumple is a delicious dessert to cook. You need adult guidance for cutting, using the gas and oven.

Pearls of Wisdom:-

..Wear cotton comfortable clothes.

..Tie up your hair.

..Wash hands before and after cooking.

..No wasting and clean up after you finish cooking.

..Work patiently and follow instructions.

..Enjoy and share your dessert.



  • 2 Apples
  • Half cup brown sugar
  • Pinch of cinnamon
  • Half cup butter
  • Half cup flour
  • 1 spoon honey
  • Oven at 200 degrees, bowl (Oven ware), spoon, cutting board knives.


.Peel and slice apples.

Grind sugar not to fine and roast the flour light brown..

Butter the bowl and place the apple slices ,sprinkle cinnamon powder.

Mix flour, butter and sugar gently and put on top of the apples.

Add honey and stir a little mixing from the bottom.

Place in the pre heated oven till light brown.

Remove , cool and serve with vanila ice cream.






Sustainable Parenting

We keep talking about sustainable living to save our planet.

Have you ever thought what ‘Sustainable living means’?

All life on earth depends on the environment. Every thing is inter-dependent. Sustainability is the idea to interact is such a way that there is enough resource for each one of us and for our future generations. We have to learn to use things just enough for our need and not waste -a very good example would be the use of water or food. It is important to remember that  we are the lucky ones who don’t have to worry for our daily needs, so it becomes our prime duty to see that we don’t waste.

As parents it is our responsibility to teach our children the importance of sustainable leaving. The best way to do this is by disciplining ourselves and making it a habit not to buy unless we need . Hoarding or storing dose not help us in any way, it often leaves the space and our mind cluttered.

Let us break the rule and be parents with a difference. To stand together is always easier than being by oneself.

I will mention just a few things to help you become ‘Sustainable Parents’, and teach your child the wealth of sustainable and happy living.

A little less is always better than a little more.

-Use news paper to wrap gifts. Your children can paint and decorate the paper.

-After eating make it a habit to wash hands instead of using a paper napkin.

-Serve small portions of food and water to avoid wasting.

-If something is required just for a one time use , don’t hesitate to borrow from a friend eg a hat for a day picnic.

-Be a eco friendly parent. Your consciousness rubs off on your kids. Do what you want your kids to do-no to plastic, use a dustbin, segregate garbage

-Use the old school bag, water bottle ,crayons, if in good condition.

-Donate your old things and give them with respect, they should be useable.

It is not possible to achieve ‘Zero Waste’ status. In our own little ways just try to make little changes and save our resources.

Let us teach our kids to love and care all things. Waste not Want not.



Behavioural Pattern -8

                                            MEEKNESS AND SHYNESS


A Meek or Shy person is someone who is hesitant to actively participate or engage with people around him/her. They prefer to be observers and stand a little aloof when in a gathering.

A shy child is of a gentle and delicate nature and is comfortable with solitary  activities or is happy to be with familiar individuals .They sometimes don’t mind being in a group but are silent observers and take their time to warm up and feel a free to interact with their peers.


It is important to recognize and respect shy children in a preschool as it is the first time they are away from home. Shy kids have strong observation skills and take in their environment deeply as they quietly watch what is around them.

Parents ,teachers and others need to handle them gently with a loving secure and understanding environment .This will help them to express themselves at their own pace and develop socially.

Here are some simple points to handle Shy kids.

Every child is different and needs to handled as special with full respect.

It is important to remember that each child is a unique individual and what works for one may not work for another. So we need to adapt the strategies we use basing them on the individual needs and comfort level of the child being handled.

1.  Be patient and avoid pressuring the child to be more out going .Understand that shyness is a natural trait and takes time for the child to over come it.

2. Respect the need of the child’s personal space. Avoid pushing him/her into social situations they are not ready for but keep a watchful eye and see what are their likes and dislikes..

what makes them feel comfortable.

3. Create opportunities for the child to interact with his/her peers beginning with faces they are familiar with. Never push them to socialise be patient.

4. Always praise and acknowledge the child’s effort however small it may be ..Let the others around know of the  achievements , this will boost self worth  and slowly build confidence.

5. Create a supportive group who work at the same wave length….helpers, parents ,teachers.

6. Greet the child and slowly encourage them to greet never forcing them . Ask simple questions like “How are you?” or praise them “You are wearing a lovely dress today. ” This will slowly encourage self expression .

7. Observe and keep in mind what the child shows interest in and try to provide activities in those areas eg art , storytelling or music this will slowly build up the child’s confidence.

It is important to remember that not every child is a leader . Some will be full of confidence while others will be inhibited to do things.

Each child is different and each one is good at something .Remember a quiet child need not be a shy child .It could just be a trait he/she has. They are good listeners and participate in group activities.

So dear parents handle with care .Your support and guidance will help them to become good human beings as they grow up.

Love your child unconditionally and be proud of them as they are .Bringing up a child is not an easy job and there is no magic wand to help.

Behavioural issues are all part of a child’s growing up and can normally be taken care of with the right guidance.